62 research outputs found

    Fixed rings in quotients of completed group rings

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    Let kk be Fp\mathbb{F}_p or Zp\mathbb{Z}_p, let GG be a compact pp-adic analytic group, and form its completed group algebra kGkG. Take a closed subgroup Γ\Gamma of GG. We analyse the structure of the fixed ring of kG/IkG/I under the conjugation action of Γ\Gamma, for certain ideals II induced from the GG-centraliser of Γ\Gamma, and we explain the consequences this has for the theory of the prime ideals of kGkG

    Dimension and Fox subgroups

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    This article is a survey of some results on the identification of groups given by ideaIs in the group ring of a group over the integers and in certain cases over the integers modulo p, a prime

    Spatial dimension changes in second hand housing prices in Alcalá de Henares and León (Spain)

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    The objective of this study is to show different recent trends (2001-2009) in second-hand housing prices in Spain and in different neighbourhoods in Alcala de Henares and León, both of which are cities with very diverse economic and demographic characteristics. The first is a city in the metropolitan area of Madrid, with high land prices. The increasing demand for housing in Alcala de Henares is a good alternative for households, in view of high prices in Madrid. The second is Léon, the capital of the province of León, which is undergoing a depopulation process. We will demonstrate that house price dynamics is a local phenomenon and national or regional level data conceal interesting differences within cities (districts and neighbourhoods). The latest rise and decline in housing prices is clearly visible on the outskirts and sometimes non-existent in the town centre area

    The Policy Effects of Multilevel Regulation in Europe. Insights from the Energy and Postal Sector

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    This paper examines the policy effects of multilevel regulation in Europe. It finds that the extent to which negative integration effectively narrows the range of policy options available domestically tends to be overstated. Drawing on empirical evidence from EU-induced reform in electricity supply and postal delivery, the paper illustrates that liberalisation and institutional reorganisation may lead to relatively little policy change. Although a lack of centralised regulatory capacity at the European level is identified as a key explanatory factor for the cases studied, the findings also point to the relevance of sector specificities and the role of exogenous drivers of change

    Rigid analytic quantum groups and quantum Arens-Michael envelopes

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    We introduce a rigid analytification of the quantized coordinate algebra of a semisimple algebraic group and a quantized Arens-Michael envelope of the enveloping algebra of the corresponding Lie algebra, working over a non-archimedean field and when q is not a root of unity. We show that these analytic quantum groups are topological Hopf algebras and Fréchet-Stein algebras. We then introduce an analogue of the BGG category O\Bbb O for the quantum Arens-Michael envelope and show that it is equivalent to the category O\Bbb O for the corresponding quantized enveloping algebra

    On the Economic Foundation of the Urban Network Paradigm: Spatial Integration, Functional Integration and Economic Complementarities within the Dutch Randstad

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    The current debate on polycentric urban development suggests that inter-firm relations are important for the creation and sustainment of urban networks. Conceptually, the degrees of spatial and functional integration and urban complementarities in economic network relations are hypothesised to be important. However, the theoretical economic rationale has not been convincingly tested. In this paper, we use data on inter-firm relations in the Dutch Randstad to test conditions for integration and the existence of economic complementarities within this region. Contrary to the ‘polycentricity hypothesis’, we observe a clear hierarchy in the different types of spatial interdependencies in the Randstad, in which the central place model prevails. Furthermore, we do not find evidence for the functional integration of municipalities in the Randstad. We conclude that at this moment the Randstad does not function as a spatially and functionally integrated region, and that spatial economic policy can better focus on smaller regions within the Randstad when urban economic complementarities and integration are desired. This also calls into question the applicability of the urban network concept in general, as the Dutch Randstad is usually seen as a prime example of an economically successful polycentric urban system

    Exhibiting Cobra across the Iron Curtain: Exhibition Diplomacy and Modernism as Ostpolitik across Borders in Northern Europe during the Cold War

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    The article examines how the Danish artists of the group Cobra appeared in front of exhibitions organized by the Danish state touring the state socialist countries during the Cold War from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. This unknown aspect of the international circulation of the artists were part of the official cultural diplomacy of the Danish state and can contribute to a new understanding of art exhibitions in the Cold War as “Ostpolitik” and the commitment of the artists in these efforts. The article observes the importance of cultural diplomacy in relation to border- crossing exhibitions and the development of Danish “exhibition diplomacy” through the Cold War